Saturday, June 21, 2008

Loss of a loved one...

I'm going to make this short again because I'm rather drained... We had to put Joel's dog, Ciro, to sleep last night after a long, unexpected trip to the vet. We were there for one of the cats who's having other issues, so we brought him along because his breathing was shallow, he was exhausted, and didn't want to move much. We found through x-rays that he had a massive (and likely malignant) tumor engulfing his organs, displacing them, and causing him serious pain. The doctors did not think he would last long without surgery, and his recovery was doubtful. He was 12 years old, he was in otherwise good health overall. We opted to be with him and euthanize him since it was the most painless and peaceful route. We know he is with God now, and pain free, but we are missing him terribly. I hope to write something of an "obituary" although that sounds odd for a pet. He was a wonderful dog that had a full, happy life and I want everyone to know why he meant so much to us...

Saturday, June 7, 2008

My first blog

Hrmm... I always begin typing this way. Thinking of what to say and staring at the ceiling, as if what I should type will be on a cue card up there. That said, I think I will make this short. Journaling for everyone to see is something new to me...

I've created this account so I can keep an eye on my cousin, Melissa, and her new family. Congrats girl :) I wish I could be more of a presence in your life. Hopefully, this will help.
